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How do you make slurry mix for porcelain paving?

Among the strengths of porcelain slabs is they’re non-porous, making them harder to stain, less slippery and unlikely to crack. However, because it is not penetrable by water, the product needs to be installed differently
How do you make slurry mix for porcelain paving?

Among the strengths of porcelain paving slabs is they’re non-porous, making them harder to stain, less slippery and unlikely to crack.

However, because it is not penetrable by water, the product needs to be installed differently.

If porcelain slabs are laid directly onto a mortar bed, they won’t bond and therefore won’t be secured in place.

That is why slurry primer is essential for these projects.

Why use slurry mix for porcelain slabs?

Each paving slab needs to be brushed with slurry primer before it is laid for two reasons:

  1. To form a strong bond

The slurry acts as an adhesive, sticking the paver to the laying course. It will bond the pavers to the base and ensure they don’t work loose.

  1. As a barrier

The slurry also helps to prevent moisture, mineral salts, and other elements leaching from the laying course into the porcelain slabs.

Slurry for porcelain slabs can also be used to bond all kinds of other garden features like coping stones, steps, and ornamental garden features – so it is worth knowing about.

As you can appreciate, slurry mix for porcelain slabs is essential for your project whether you’re working on a patio, paving, or swimming pool surrounds.

You really don’t want them moving all over the place!

What is slurry primer?

Slurry primer can be made using a mix of SBR and a cement, but this is not advisable as it will not have the properties necessary to do the job.

However, you can buy self-mix slurry primer which comes in dried powder form and which you mix with water – for example, Ultrascape Pro-Prime Slurry Primer, which is used to provide an exceptional bond between your paving element and bedding mortar.

Professional builders mix this with a drill whisk, or a paddle whisk, to make a smooth paste. You can also use pre-mixed slurry primer which you can buy in a tub or bucket.

The aim with the slurry for porcelain slabs is to cover the underside of the paver, then place it on top of the wet mortar mix to create a firm bond.

Tips when using slurry mix for porcelain slabs

  1. Make sure you follow the instructions given on the packaging; you need to adhere to the right ratio of water to powder
  2. Ensure the water you use is fresh and clean; you don’t want any contaminants
  3. Use a mixing paddle to get the right consistency
  4. Apply the priming slurry using a paintbrush just prior to laying it on the base
  5. Paint the slurry onto the underside of the porcelain slab
  6. Any extra slurry that adheres to the side of the paver should be wiped clean immediately before it sets.
  7. Clean down all surfaces. Remember that priming slurry is an adhesive/bonding agent so that once it dries it will be very difficult to remove

Porcelain paving from Forward Builders’ Supplies

At Forward Builder’s Supplies we offer FREE delivery within a 60-mile radius of our depot.

And we not only supply the porcelain tiles but also the materials you need to successfully lay them.

So why delay? Get in touch now if you have any questions.

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